De Franse president Macron heeft besloten extra politieagenten in te zetten na drie nachten van gewelddadige onlusten in het land. Die zijn het gevolg van de dood van de 17-jarige Nahel.
Op donderdagavond en -nacht raakten zo’n 250 agenten gewond en werden bijna 1000 mensen gearresteerd. Er vonden brandstichtingen en plunderingen plaats. Er werden panden van de overheid in brand gestoken.
Geen noodtoestand
De politie durft vaak niet meer in achterstandswijken aan de rand van grote steden te komen.
De Franse minister van Binnenlandse Zaken, Darmanin, zei dat er 2000 auto’s in vlammen zijn opgegaan, 500 gebouwen zijn beschadigd en honderden winkels zijn geplunderd.
Macron vroeg aanstootgevende of ‘gevoelige’ beelden van de rellen te verwijderen van sociale media. In reactie op de rellen legde de Franse regering bussen en trams stil. Vrijdag zei de president dat hij geen noodtoestand uitroept.
France after 3 days of riots.
— Felize (@Vigilantefilly2) June 30, 2023
Scary ?. Triste ? Can’t go out with kids. France ???
This is not protestations. This is looting. #France #FranceProtests #FranceRiots #franceViolence #Emeute #Nael #Paris #Apple #LouisVuitton— Santosh Gupta (@santoshskm) June 30, 2023
France has fallen…
Police are unable to control the migrant and left-wing riots taking place across the country. French media has surrendered and cannot keep track of the number of towns and cities across the country being looted, set on fire, and destroyed.
Islamic attacks,…
— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) June 30, 2023
A large shopping center in the suburbs of Paris is completely destroyed by fire. #FranceRiots
— Paul Golding (@GoldingBF) June 30, 2023
#WATCH : A huge fire is raging in an RATP bus depot in Aubervilliers (Paris suburb) #emeutes #Nanterre#FranceRiots #FranceProtests #RiotsFrance #Paris #FranceProtests #franceViolence
— upuknews (@upuknews1) June 30, 2023
??????#France is in a Mess#France #Protests #Riots
— Freedom (@MassAdi15176401) June 30, 2023
Protestesters in France burning down the largest public library in the city of Marseille. #Paris #Internationalleaks #France #FranceRiots
— The Notorious HbK (@The5HbK) June 30, 2023
France has some serious demographics problms that seems to increase by the day. This is going to be tough. The future doesn’t look too bright. Paris must learn from Poland. #FranceRiots must be eye opening.
This is Cultural Enrichment in #Macron’s
— Mukesh Chaudhary (@MukeshG0dara) June 30, 2023
The front entrance of a grocery store in #Nantes, #France has been smashed by a car and is curretly being looted, as Muslim riots enter the 3de night.
— Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) June 29, 2023
NOW – Looting, violent riots spread to several cities in France. The situation is out of control in parts of the country.
— (@disclosetv) June 30, 2023
Muslims in the french city of #Rennes have stolen a forklift from an construction site and are destroying infrastructure, as violent Muslim riots enters its 3de night in #France.
— Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) June 29, 2023
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