In Amerika is bijna 36 procent van de bevolking volledig gevaccineerd, maar het is de vraag of het percentage zal blijven stijgen. Uit beelden en berichten die rondgaan op social media blijkt dat veel Amerikanen, en ook Canadezen, niet zitten te wachten op de mRNA-‘vaccins’ van Big Pharma.
Voormalig New York Times-verslaggever Alex Berenson vindt het geweldig om te zien:
Great to see this so empty
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) May 13, 2021
Het lijkt erop dat het congrescentrum in Washington al enige tijd leeg is:
Hey DC. The convention center vaccination site is near empty. Walk ins allowed. I was in and out in 30 minutes. Go!
— Paul Rosenzweig (@RosenzweigP) May 6, 2021
Overal in het land blijven massa-vaccinatiecentra leeg:
saturday 5/8: i received my 2nd dose of the #Pfizer #COVIDvaccine today, 3 weeks after the first shot. i knew nationally #vaccination has dropped markedly, but i was stunned the @CalStateLA site was so empty on a weekend. 1/
— alexander siu #sᴛᴀɴᴅꜰᴏʀᴀsɪᴀɴs (@siushi) May 9, 2021
Can confirm that the Salisbury, MD, mass vaccination site is this empty on a daily basis (even to the point of having to throw away doses due to lack of patients) so if you’ve been struggling to get an appointment here’s a wonderful place to start! Don’t let doses go to waste!
— k8 cumber (@k8cumber) April 5, 2021
The Salisbury, MD mass vax site takes walk-ins! It’s about a 2 hour drive to get there from the District. They were doing J&J vaccines today so you’d only have to make the 4 hour journey once ? It was EXTREMELY empty today!— madeline ducharme (@MaddyDucharme) April 9, 2021
An almost deserted mass vaccination site in Orlando. „We have to start knocking on people’s doors now“, said one staff member on site.
— Rieke Havertz (@havpost) May 7, 2021
Empty mass vax site in Rockland County NY. Go get your jabs people!
— Elena ?? ? We got Georgia!? (@elenamariedunn) April 6, 2021
Yesterday I stopped briefly by Miami Dade College to hear some vax updates on my day off. I spoke to Jhon Viveros, 47, who came to get a shot. Both of us have loved ones in Colombia who have no access to vaccines yet, but this site was empty. I saw more portable toilets 1/2
— Verónica Soledad Zaragovia (@verozaragovia) April 26, 2021
?Got #VAX #1 at #VaccinateSF!
FAST (site empty – pls. go, if need + near @OfficialCCSF).. drive-thru, zero pain (not when got shot, nor after)?— ky Davvys (@KylyFlyly) April 27, 2021
Empty lanes at Essex Covid vaxx site: with demand for shots dropping, the county will close three major sites and shift resources to target smaller, more local populations facing access and hesitancy issues. But local pharmacies are stepping up to help. @NJSpotlightNews
— Brenda Flanagan (@BFlanaganNJ) May 6, 2021
In Toronto is het beeld hetzelfde:
It’s just after 5:30pm at the mass vaccination site in downtown Toronto. There’s not one person waiting in line. Guy who works here said that most of the ppl 70 and older make their appointments earlier in the day. And there are lulls in the late afternoon and evening.
— Rachel Browne (@rp_browne) March 31, 2021
Het wordt steeds lastiger om mensen over te halen. En dus worden er allerlei lucratieve lokkertjes in het vooruitzicht gesteld om mensen over de streep te trekken. Gouverneur van Ohio Mike DeWine heeft bijvoorbeeld een heuse vaccinloterij in het leven geroepen met wekelijkse hoofdprijzen van maar liefst 1 miljoen dollar of een volledige studiebeurs.
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